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Is the climate industry sexist and racist?

Men take most of the jobs in the climate industry ...

Climate occupations, by sex (%)

And, so do white people (probably, white men).

Climate occupations, by race or ethnicity (%)

Sex segregation is part of all occupations. But, it's worse in climate related jobs.

All occupations, by sex (%)

And, so are racial disparities.

All occupations, by race or ethnicity (%)

Since men and white people are overrepresented in the climate industry, what can policymakers do to change this?

Policymakers need to ensure that women and Black, Indigenous and people of color are not left out of jobs in the climate industry. Take a look at our policy implications page for some suggestions on what they can do now to make the climate industry more inclusive.

Disclaimer: We know that women and people of color are not a homogenous group and that biological sex is not gender identity. But data collection on where people work treats them as such. We're sorry it is presented without an intersectional framework. Data collectors, and anaysts, need to be better to accurately reflect all of us, just like climate jobs.